Ahmadinejad urges Muslim world to unite to destroy Zionism

Iranian president calls for action against those who ‘are occupying and killing oppressed people’
Times of Israel
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called on the Muslim world to unite to eradicate Zionism, which he called “corrupt, uncultured and murderous” Sunday.
Ahmadinejad spoke in Tehran to the 26th International Islamic Unity Conference, which coincided with International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Muslim nations around the world should pursue “specific aims” toward unity, Iran’s semi-official PressTV quoted the president as saying. Monotheism and justice were among the target goals Iran’s president set for the Muslim countries.
“Under [the] circumstances [in which] the corrupt, uncultured and murderous Zionists are occupying and killing oppressed people, we should not sit idly by,” Ahmadinejad reportedly told the crowd.
The president also criticized the current economic world order, saying it served only the strong countries while further destroying weaker ones.
The existence of deep rifts and dissension among various sects within the Muslim world got short shrift from Iran’s leader, who stated that “an incomplete understanding of the Quran” was the reason for such differences.

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