Again .. The occupation decides to demolish the house of the prisoner Islam Abu Hamid

By: Sammi Ibrahe,Sr


Hebrew subtitles – special Quds news : newspaper “Yediot Ahronot” Hebrew said that Nazi army decideddemolishhouse captive Islam Abu Hamid AlAmari refugee camp near Ramallah again.

 The newspaper added that the Nazi army noted the operations to begin rebuilding the house of the prisoner after the demolition of the occupation several months ago .

According to the newspaper, the Nazi army will soon demolish the rebuilt house, and the occupation army has made new plans and maps for demolition, because of the decision of the occupation, which prevents the reconstruction of the house after the demolition .

The “Yediot Aharonot” published two weeks ago that the family of the prisoner Naji began to rebuild her house, which was demolished by the occupation.

The Nazi illegal occupation forces demolished Abu Hameed’s house three times, most recently last year, claiming that her son Islam threw a stone from the highest house in the camp, killing one of the Nazi soldiers who were carrying out a night storming the camp.

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