ADL Proclaims Demographics Are Vital — But Only for IsraHell!


Precommentary by David Duke — Why does the ADL oppose a one state solution in the Mideast?  In their exact words: “A truly Jewish state can exist, as it does now, only with an overwhelming Jewish majority.” The following article by Robert Stark in the Occidental Quarterly once again should prove for all skeptics the real agenda of the Jewish supremacists who dominate the media and the governments of the West. The ADL is a darling of the mass media, a so-called “civil rights” organization that crusades against “racism” and “intolerance”. Yet, the same ADL that recently condemned Patrick Buchanan and applauded his firing from MSNBC for daring to voice concern about the changing demographics of America, has recently opposed a “one state” solution for Israel and Palestinians.

What this proves of course, is that multiculturalism is a huge con. If they believe that changing demographics is bad for the Jewish people of Israel, then they must certainly know that it is damaging for the shrinking European majorities of America and Europe. Yet, they support this demographic change.

Why? It is Because the ADL is simply a tribalist, racist advocacy organization that wants divisions and conflicts created in Europe, America and the rest of the Western world. They see this as an advantage to their own tribal agenda and their “divide and conquer strategy.”

When you want to conquer a nation, you have depose the ruling group of that nation. So they support multiculturalism and multiracialism for us, and a “Jewish State” for them. They condemn any European American organization concerned for the group interests of European Americans, in fact because of the Jewish-dominated press, it is quite unthinkable. All this while they have innumerable organizations openly supporting the interests of the Jewish people and their agenda. Anyone who cannot see this reality once it is pointed out, must be deaf, dumb and blind. With the emphasis on dumb as trait of intelligence not of hearing.

By Robert Stark

The Anti-Defamation League, the nation’s leading Jewish advocacy organization, has long labeled anyone who laments the changing demographics in America as a racist or White supremacist, the msot recent case being Pat Buchanan who was fired from MSNBC for expressing these views. In regards to his recent book The Suicide of a Superpower, the ADL states that

“Buchanan laments that the United States is becoming an increasingly diverse country, that minorities will soon outnumber white Americans and that the country “is disintegrating, ethnically, culturally, morally, politically.”

In their main article titled “Pat Buchanan: Unrepentent Bigot,” they say that Buchanan decries not only the disintegration of white America due to the influx of immigrants, particularly Mexicans, but also the destruction of Europe due to immigrants from South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

Now the ADL is finally acknowledging that demographics do matter. The ADL is denouncing Peter Beinart who is a Jewish critic of Israel and American Jewish organizations like the ADL. In their article “Peter Beinart: is Right, but for the wrong reasons” they denounce him for advocating a One State Solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating that:

“…if Israel were to hold on to all the territory, the demographic challenge would emerge in full force. Even if one takes seriously those who argue that the number of Palestinians living in the West Bank has been exaggerated (and most Israeli demographers disagree with that assessment), the ratio of Jews to Arabs in one-state would be near the 50 percent mark and would make the concept of a Jewish and democratic state, the hallmark of Israel through its history, a practical impossibility. A truly Jewish state can exist, as it does now, only with an overwhelming Jewish majority.”

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