Action Alert: David Ward and the Holocaust comments


David Ward MP apologised this weekend for his use of terminology when he stated he was
“saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust,
could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in
the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza”.
The point of contention was the use of the word ‘the Jews’ which he erroneously employed instead
of stating ‘pro-occupation Israelis’, and he has since apologised unreservedly for any offence
caused, stating: “I never for a moment intended to criticise or offend the Jewish people as a
whole, either as a race or as a people of faith, and apologise sincerely for the unintended offence which
my words caused.”
With this matter addressed, the focus should once again revert to the sentiment expressed which
intended to draw attention to the memory of the Holocaust, which all nations of the world vowed
would ‘never again’ occur. This ‘never again’ applies to all people of all races, religions and nationali-
ties, for all time.
David Ward MP reiterated that his criticisms “of actions since 1948 in the Palestinian territories in
the name of the state of Israel remain as strong as ever”. This is a legitimate position, supported
wholly by a large part of the British public.
In order to ensure the Liberal Democrats deal with this issue in a fair manner, take action and send
the following letter to the Chief Whip, the Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, and David Ward MP.
Chief Whip, Alistair Carmichael MP: [email protected]
Leader of the Liberal Democrats, Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP:[email protected]
David Ward MP: [email protected]
Dear ___________
Re: David Ward MP and the oppression and occupation of Palestinians
I write with reference to David Ward MP’s recent comments about the Holocaust. He was right to
issue an apology for the use of the term ‘the Jews’. However, this should not detract from the
sentiments he expressed regarding the ongoing oppression, murder, military bombardment,
arbitrary imprisonment and occupation of the Palestinian people.
I write to urge the Liberal Democrats to make a statement which reiterates their position opposing
the illegal Israeli occupation. This statement should be in the strongest possible terms, ensuring
that the ongoing suffering of Palestinian civilians is at the forefront of our memories in any and every discussion with Israel. The human rights abuses perpetrated by Israel should be a factor which
imbues our politicians with a reluctance to engage with Israel economically and diplomatically, until
the occupation ends.
Finally, I would like to reiterate my support for David Ward MP, and his sincere concern for the
Yours sincerely,

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