Act for I$raHell

Act for Israel


1. Rep. Ron DeSantis (Likud, FL) sure does love Israel. He really loves Israel.  This former legal advisor to Seal Team 6 and haunter of the Joint Task Force in GTMO – and lover of GTMO as far as I can tell, but he loves Israel even more – but I am already digressing.

Okay, where was I?

Yes, this lover of Israel and frequent defender of Israel is doing something right now, and I mean literally right fucking now (RFN) that I want to get to. In a minute.

First let me tell you about the letter he wrote to Trump using his own US Israeli Congressional stationary, telling President to be Trump that he had damn fucking well better move the US Israeli embassy to Jerusalem. You can read the whole letter here on Desantis’ website. Please do note that DeSantis initiated the letter and then got 101 other Israel-suck ups to sign it. Here is an excerpt: (Note to Shas Party members, red-highlighting is done by today’s guest editor Ron Desantis:)

“During your campaign, you made a forceful pledge to move our American (sic) embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is the eternal capital of the Jewish people and the State of Israel.”

Hmmm. Let me digress. Since when do we pay for government officials to engage in metaphysics talking about the eternalness of anything? And if it is the capital of all Jews, then does DeSantis think that Jews should be loyal to Israel first – as he is even though he is not a Jew?

Anyway, the letter continues:

We write to express support for this policy and to urge you to take swift action to relocate our (sic) embassy to Jerusalem as soon as you take office. 

Israel is one of the United States’ closest allies and stands alone in the Middle East for its commitment to democratic ideals. Moving the embassy will strenghtn the unique alliance between Israel and the United States and send a clear message to the world that we support Israel in recognizing Jerusalem as its eternal capital.

You can read the whole letter here and see if your congressional rep was one of the signatories.

Not long after that letter was written DeSantis brought up the issue again in this really weird press release.

Washington, DC – Rep. Ron DeSantis (Likud-06), Chairman of the National Security Subcommittee, today convened an Advisory Council for Israel and Middle East Security. Its membership of advisors from Florida and around the country will explore ways to repair U.S.–Israel relations and combat security threats facing Israel and the United States.

“With the pending relocation of our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and the arrival of the Trump administration, we have entered a new era in American-Israeli relations and have a great opportunity to chart a productive course,” DeSantis said. “My subcommittee conducts oversight over embassy issues and I have been active in highlighting the dangers of the BDS movement and the threat posed by militant Islam. I have no doubt that we will have a lot on our plate moving forward, and having an esteemed group of advisors willing to share their keen insights on these issues will be a great help to me. I thank them for their willingness to assist my efforts to support our friend and ally Israel.”

Nice how he got in the phrase “militant Islam” isn’t it. And of course the anti-BDS theme is there  too along with the let’s move the US embassy to Jerusalem verbiage.

And just to make sure we get the point, the document ends with this:

The Advisory Council for Israel and Middle East Security will help develop policies to help facilitate a more productive American posture in the Middle East, which includes moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.

The Adisory Council is a pretty damn long list. Funny how the House’s National Security Subcommittee is in need of an “Advisory Council for Israel and Middle East Security” at all, and second that that council needs to be comprised of only people from Florida with Middle Eastern sounding names. Clearly a bunch of militant Islamists  have taken over the advisory council.

Jason Lyons, Boca Raton, FL, Chairman

Dr. Scot Ackerman, Jacksonville, FL

Richard Brody, Jacksonville, FL

Phil Cohen, Miami, FL

Dr. David Diamond, Orlando, FL

Andy Fiske, Aventura, FL

Stephen Fiske, Aventura, FL

Mark Gerson, New York, NY

Eli Gindi, Brooklyn, FL

Marc Goldman, Boca Raton, FL

Antony Gordon, Los Angeles, CA

Gabriel Groisman, Bal Harbour, FL

Eytan Laor, Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Carlyn and Lothar Mayer, Boca Raton, FL

David Robbins, Jacksonville, FL

Phil Rosen, New York, NY

Joey Schottenstein, Columbus, OH

Rabbi Steven Weil, New York, NY

Farley Weiss, Boca Raton, FL

Okay, I can hear you all bitching and moaning “Mantiq, look he has to be this way, he’s in Florida and there you have to be anti-Castro and pro-Israel, though not necessarily in that. order. It’s not like he is advocating that Israel keep the Golan Heights.”

Washington, DC – Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) issued the following statement of support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s position that the Golan Heights will remain under the control of Israel:

“For almost 50 years, Israel has maintained peace in the Golan Heights region and I support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position that Israel should maintain control. If Israel were to cede the Golan Heights the area would become a magnet for terrorism and would give Israel’s enemies a launching pad from which to wage war against the Jewish state.  U.S. policy should support the Prime Minister’s position and recognize the Golan Heights as a part of Israel.”

Now you won’t find this on his website, or on his twitter feed, but Ronny boy is at this very minute on an official National Security Subcommittee-sponsored trip  to Jerusalem to investigate moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. It’s a short trip, just 24 hours and Desantis and his committee seem to be very quiet about it. But when he gets back he’ll continue to put the pressure on Trump.

Please let him know how much you appreciate his working for Israel. Go here:

and you can look in the upper right hand corner for links to his social media sites.

Interesting enough, Rep.  Dennis Ross (Israel Home, Fl), who is reported to also be going on the trip is said to have denied that he is going according to this Press TV link.

2. Okay it is video time. Watch this unbelievable suck up to Israel. Can there be a bigger whore than this guy? Probably, but he does set the bar pretty high. Please make sure there are no children in the room when you watch this.

ِTime for a make up call.

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