by Laura Stuart
Yesterday, Home Secretary Theresa May stood in Parliament and said “The right place for a terrorist is a prison cell. The right place for a foreign terrorist is a foreign prison cell far away from Britain”. A chorus of agreement from M.P.s in the House indicated that her statement met with universal approval.
We are reliably informed by the media and by the Government that Abu Qatada is a ”TERRORIST”, in fact not just a terrorist but a “FOREIGN TERRORIST”, so let us see what acts of terrorism Abu Qatada has been charged with. . . well NONE actually.
In fact, Abu Qatada has not been charged with any act of terrorism or indeed charged with any crime at all in the U.K. He was sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment in Jordon – a place known for using evidence gained under torture.
Despite the fact that Abu Qatada has either been in prison or under control order as a terrorist suspect for almost a decade, he has never been brought to trial for the simple reason that there is no evidence against him – only “intelligence”. The fact that this “intelligence” may have been extracted under torture means that Abu Qatada cannot challenge the accusations in an open court. And remember, Abu Qatada was initially given asylum in the U.K. as he fled Jordanian injustice.
The U.S.A. has already scrapped the notion of Habeas Corpus as, in the case of Anwar al Awlaki and his 15 year old son, it murders its own citizens at will and without trial. The U.K. government is not far behind as we also are now also apparently able to imprison and deport people without either evidence or a fair trial. Is it just coincidence that, since 80% of Conservative MPs are now “Friends of Israel”, we are now labeling Palestinian Muslims as “terrorists” and imprisoning them without any need for due process? Perhaps we can we now also emulate the State of Israel and, when we don’t like them, treat the rulings of such bodies as the European Court of Human Rights or the United Nations with complete contempt.
Abu Qatada may be innocent or guilty, it is certainly not for me to pass any judgment on him and anyway, is this not why we have a legal system in this country? Perhaps with the continuing Zionisation of the British Government and it’s reliance on security advice from pro-Israeli lobby groups it will mean that in future being Muslim, Palestinian, having a big beard and using a kunya will be all that is needed to ensure the verdict of “GUILTY AS CHARGED”