Assassination as a Tactic of Subversion in the New Cold War Between an Israeli-Influenced US and Iran
Press TV talks with Joshua Blakeney, Staff writer for Veterans Today in Calgary about who is behind the killing of Ahmadi-Roshan and considers the circumstantial evidence currently at hand. What follows is an approximate transcript of the interview. SOURCE:
Press TV: Hilary Clinton has categorically denied that the US is involved in any way with the assassination of Iranian scientist, Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan. What would you be telling Hilary Clinton on this?
Joshua Blakeney: I think primarily, first and foremost, this is an Israeli operation and when we use phrases like “the US” we have to define what we mean by “the US”. In the US ruling class there are different factions. There’s one faction personified by Zbignew Brzezinski who says Iran would be an obvious ally of the American Empire; and there’s another faction that’s primarily viewing the world through Israel’s spectacles that’s saying let’s bomb Iran; let’s take out scientists in Iran etc.
Not only do I have the intuition that this is primarily an Israeli operation, there is circumstantial evidence – The Israeli newspaper, Ma’ariv, has reported, they’ve cited an individual named Richard Silverstein who, according to his Israeli sources, was told that this was a MOSSAD operation working with the Mujahedeen al Khalq to take out this Iranian scientist. It is an abysmal atrocity and my condolences go out to his family, you know, he has a small child.
Professor Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, father of a small child, was brutally assassinated in what seems to have been a Mossad covert operation
Imagine if students in Canada went to class one day and their physics professor wasn’t there because someone had strapped a bomb to his car and blown him up. This would be unacceptable in every other country in the world and it should be unacceptable when it happens to the Iranian people who, after all, are merely expressing self determination and trying to develop a civilian and peaceful nuclear program of the kind that France has and Canada has and the US has.
Iranian people are no less than Canadian people and French people and the citizens of the US; they have every right to develop nuclear power and this is an abysmal atrocity that I believe is primarily motivated by the state of Israel and sponsored by its proxies in the US.
YouTube – Veterans Today –
Zbigniew Brzezinski Speaks About US-Iranian Relations
Press TV: Our other guest to the program, Sarah Flounders, said that Israel would not do anything against Iran without the approval of the US. Do you think then that Israel, or Israel with the cooperation of the US, perhaps is trying to provoke Iran by committing these acts if they are indeed guilty, which you said does have the hallmarks of Israel?
Joshua Blakeney: Yes. I think we are living in a kind of a Cold War – a new Cold War now where the US and Israel are actually unable to attack Iran because Iran isn’t a broken-backed and dilapidated country like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was, which is why it was attacked.
In the case of Iran, it has quite a significant military capacity and so in a way this assassination of a scientist is kind of a victory for the Iranian revolution because it shows that all the Israelis and their sponsors in the US can do is kind of tit for tat taking out a scientist here or trying to foment destabilization there.
They can’t do a military attack because if they did bomb Iran there would be missiles raining down in London and on US bases because Iran has the capability to defend itself and I think that’s a good thing. I want stability in the Middle East I don’t want instability.
YouTube – Veterans Today –
John Parker, Sara Flounders and Joshua Blakeney Discuss the Murder of Iranian scientist, Professor Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan
I disagree on one point made by your guest, I don’t believe it [US Middle East policy] is motivated primarily by oil interests.The war in Iraq, the attempts to destabilize Iran, I think they are first and foremost inspired by Tel Aviv because the US oil policy traditionally in the Middle East was one of fomenting stability for oil markets by propping up existing regimes, ensconced regimes in the region such as the Saudis. But of course that’s very bad for Israel because such Arab and Muslim regimes can turn on the Israeli hegemon, which is what Saddam Hussein did in 1991 when he fired scud missiles at Israel.
So, I think it’s crazy for the US to be alienating and estranging Iran when the US’ obvious antagonists are Russia and China and therefore Iran would be an obvious ally. What interest does the US have in risking the Straits of Hormuz being closed? How is that beneficial to US oil interests? I think since 9/11 we’ve seen a tectonic shift in US Middle East policy, one that’s dictated by Israel.
Israel wants to balkanize the Middle East into ethno-religious statelets so no Arab or Muslims regime can stand up to Israel in the region