November 8, 2010 

The Christians of the Middle East are targeted by the agents of Zionism
because they constitute the future bridge of understanding
between the Christian-West and the Islam of the Orient.

Nobody can explain Islam to the West , better than a Christian Arab.
The Christian-Arabs are the living witnesses to the tolerance of Islam.

The Christian-Arabs have been infiltrated
by fanatic-fascists like in the Lebanon
or by fanatic-idiots like in Egypt………
all that just to plan and to plant, an artificial animosity with Islam.

In other places where Oriental-Christianity could not be infiltrated ,
for various reason,so the Christians are being martyred just like in Iraq
or Pakistan.

Whatever role Zionism is planing for the Christians of the East ,
it is macabre.

Christians of the East must be wiser
and must follow the paths of:
Antoun Saadeh
George Habash
Naef Hawatmeh
Gibran Khalil Gibran
Edward Saiid
Azmi Beshara
and indeed Gamal Abdel Nasser
Saddam Hussein and Tarek Aziz.

Jesus spoke (almost) Arabic
Jesus is considered a Muslim……. by Islam .

What else do you need ??
to realise that it is:
only one religion but with two interpretations
Raja Chemayel
I call my God , Allah !!

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