Irish artists take a stand for Palestine 14 Aug 2010
Bravo. No more excuses or reasons to avoid dealing with Zionist intransigence. Action, and more is coming:
Will the please Hoder please stand up? 14 Aug 2010
I’ve long followed the case of famous Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan – even meeting him at a conference in Budapest in 2008 – but this latest news adds yet more layers of mystery to a man with a confused past, tough present and uncertain future:
We left Iraq devastated 14 Aug 2010
My friend Mike Otterman, with whom I recently spoke in New York about Iraq and Palestine, has a piece in the Christian Science Monitor on Iraqi refugees, the silent victims of our devastating war:
Who needs gender equality in Saudi? 14 Aug 2010
A proud ally of America and Australia:
Scahill on the war on terror’s endless run 13 Aug 2010
One of the finest independent, American journalists, Jeremy Scahill, spoke this week at the Centre for American Progress on Barack Obama, Wikileaks, Blackwater and the “war on terror”.
Amnesty releases statement on Australia refugees 13 Aug 2010
Let the pressure mount: