- Oz journalists dare to mention Serco (just a little)
- Scared Zionist sees Germany and imagines colonial Israel
- Israel loves colonies so keeps on building merrily away
- What good friends do for each other; sell death
- Resist disaster capitalism in Cameron and Clegg’s Britain
- The UK is entering a period of extremes and mad capitalism is to blame
- Guide for the 21st century
Oz journalists dare to mention Serco (just a little) 21 Oct 2010
All praise this rarity. A story in the Australian media (yesterday’s Australian) on Serco. Short but oh so sweet:
Scared Zionist sees Germany and imagines colonial Israel 21 Oct 2010
This is officially pathetic. So here’s a Zionist Australian, Alan Gold, arguing that because multiculturalism has supposedly failed in Germany, proponents of the BDS movement and one-state solution are misguided. We should just really embrace partition and separation and apartheid. Because that’s working so well for Israel right now. No mention of the occupation, of course:
Israel loves colonies so keeps on building merrily away 21 Oct 2010
This is how Israel shows its love for apartheid; entrenching it:
What good friends do for each other; sell death 21 Oct 2010
I‘ve written before about the massive US arms deal to Saudi Arabia (US$60 billion).
Now it’s been officially approved by the powers that be in Washington, so see how the State Department defends the weapons to one of the most brutal regimes in the world. |
Resist disaster capitalism in Cameron and Clegg’s Britain 21 Oct 2010 |
The UK is entering a period of extremes and mad capitalism is to blame 20 Oct 2010
Britain has embraced rampant capitalism and the effects, writes The Independent’s Johann Hari, will be severe:
Guide for the 21st century 20 Oct 2010 |
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