Aussie election brings very mixed results 21 Aug 2010
Yesterday’s election in Australia remains unresolved, a hung parliament and massively high Green vote.
More here, here, here, here and here. Truly progressive politics did very well but the uncertainty means that Australians don’t yet know if the right-wing Labor Party or more right-wing Liberal Party are in charge. |
Staying on top of the tweeting Aussie election count 20 Aug 2010 |
Israel poor materially and morally 20 Aug 2010
This is called a successful country?
Voting time down under 20 Aug 2010
And now, dear readers, it’s time to vote in the Australian election and save the country from two-party system inertia.
What being assimilated means for some US Jews 20 Aug 2010
A wonderful essay by The Magnes Zionist about the proposed New York Islamic centre, explaining how too many Jews now see themselves as part of the establishment: