FRIDAY, 17 JUNE 2011
and York Against War Invite Atzmon to Speak Despite Opposition Locally
Atzmon Wants to Question Everything (especially the Holocaust) But Seeks Protection Through Censorship
Unity FM is a Muslim radio station in Birmingham run by Sami Ibrahim. He’s phoned me for interviews on a number of occasions in the past, so it was no surprise when I got the following text message at just gone 1 pm:
Tel – 01217728892/07926843388 Or visit
I therefore rang Sami up and let him know that I considered Atzmon an anti-Semite not an anti-Zionist. Sami was understanding and said he’d welcome my putting Atzmon on the spot. Indeed he even offered to give me first shot and to call me at approximately 5.05 p.m. And Sami was as good as his word ringing me a couple of minutes later resulting in me having to ring him back.
Sure enough I was connected and listened to Atzmon begin his garbage. Sami then invited me to intervene, which I did. I asked what was quite a simple question, which was how Atzmon’s holocaust denial helped in any way support for the Palestinians. When Atzmon tried to duck and dive I quoted from his article ‘Truth, History, and Integrity’ accessed 13.3.10. where he wrote that
‘If, for instance, the Nazis wanted the Jews out of their Reich…, or even dead, as the Zionist narrative insists, how come they marched hundreds of thousands of them back into the Reich at the end of the war?’