671 Administrative detention order against prisoners since the beginning of the year


By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Ramallah – Jerusalem News: The Center for the Prisoners of Palestine Studies issued military courts (671) administrative decision against Palestinian prisoners since the beginning of this year, most of them renew the arrest.

The media spokesman of the Center, Riad Al-Ashqar, said in a press statement that among the administrative decisions issued since the beginning of this year (424) decision to renew administrative detention for new periods ranging from two months to six months, and reached (6) times for some prisoners .

He pointed out that (247) administrative decisions issued against prisoners for the first time, most of them released prisoners were re-arrested, pointing out that the prisoners who have been issued new administrative decisions are those arrested by the occupation during the year from the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, and were transferred to administrative detention and the vast majority Some of them were liberated prisoners who were detained for different periods in the Israeli jails. They were re-arrested again and issued administrative orders .

Al-Ashqar considered the continuation of the occupation in issuing administrative orders without taking into account the caveats and limitations set by international law, and disregarded all customs and laws that limited its use, especially that it affected all segments of Palestinian society .

He pointed out that the injustice suffered by the prisoners due to the use of intensive administrative detention orders and the depletion of their lives behind bars unlawfully, pushed dozens of them to go on individual hunger strikes .

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