3 NEW VIDEOS YOU REALY WANT TO WATCH By SHOAHSeptember 21, 2010United Kingdom NOVANEWS Display images below – Always display images from gilad@gilad.co.uk Lauren Booth- Letter to Israel (video) Must watch!!! http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/lauren-booth-letter-to-israel-video.html Gilad Atzmon: Give History a Chance (video) A talk given at Debunking ‘The War on Terror’ symposium, London, 14th July 2010 (dealing with history, Zionism, Revisionism, Temporality, Palestine and Israeli barbarism) Introduction by Ken O’keefe: http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/gilad-atzmon-give-history-a-chance-video.html To watch the entire Symposium: http://noliesradio.org/archives/21621 BBC Bias: The Gaza Freedom Flotilla An invaluable film by the master documentary maker Anthony Lawson http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/bbc-bias-the-gaza-freedom-flotilla-must-watch.html