17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of the Nazi entity

17 Spanish trade unions issue a historic statement of solidarity with Gaza, its resistance, and boycott of Israel

17 trade unions in Spain issued a historic statement of solidarity with Palestine and its military resistance in the face of the Nazi occupation, through an open statement to the Spanish House of Representatives and the government to sever relations with Israel.

Under the title “Palestine is not a lost cause,” the statement said, “Class unions and organizations representing workers want to address a very important issue at this time, the first of which is the relationship of the Spanish state with Israel and its Zionist government.”

He added, “In recent days, we have witnessed tragic events for the Palestinian people, who have suffered for decades from occupation, apartheid, and injustice, committed by the Israeli Zionist governments and their army, since October 7, from war crimes and indiscriminate bombing against the civilian population, hospitals, and schools, and the interruption of electricity, water, fuel, medicines, and foodstuffs.” “.

He continued, “It is necessary to understand the historical context of this conflict, in which the establishment of Israel in 1948 led to the occupation of Palestinian lands and the displacement of Palestinians.”

He added, “800,000 Palestinians still live today as refugees in their land, and Israel, with significant funding from the United States and the European Union, continues to ignore international humanitarian law and continues its criminal occupation of Palestine.”

The statement stressed that “Israel’s method of ethnic cleansing and continued apartheid against the Palestinians is recognized and rejected by broad sectors of Jews and academics, by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the two recent reports of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, especially in the sector.” Gaza, where 2.4 million Palestinians live in inhumane conditions, deprived of their basic rights.”

He stressed that the Palestinian resistance, which the “international community” describes as terrorism, is in fact a legitimate manifestation of the right of usurped peoples to fight their aggressors. The Palestinians have suffered unacceptable injustice and their message is simple: “Enough is enough.”

He said, “For all these reasons, we urge the government of the Spanish state to sever diplomatic and trade relations with the state that perpetuates the abhorrent apartheid regime and violates the human rights of the Palestinian people.”

He added, “The signatory trade unions, after the public appeal of the Palestinian unions, demand that the Spanish state adopt a clear, fair and supportive position in defense of Palestine.”

He continued, “This is why we unanimously support measures such as those promoted by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel as a means of promoting positive changes in the region. We also urge governments around the world to condemn the Israeli apartheid regime and breach all agreements with Israel.” Immediately, especially those related to military cooperation.”

The unions called on the government and parliamentarians to approve these initiatives, as a stance against the atrocities committed by the Zionist Israeli government in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank against the Palestinian people.

She stressed that “the struggle of the Palestinian people requires global solidarity, and we ask the government and parliamentarians to take an active position of solidarity with the Palestinian people, against apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes committed by Israel for more than 75 years.”

The statement concluded by saying: “For our part, we will support the unionist mobilization in this same sense… Stop the shooting, stop the genocide.”

Signatory unions:

3- Solidaridad Obrera
4-Alternativa Sindical De Clase
6-Plataforma Sindical EMT
9- SOC

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