DEMONSTATORS IN THE NATION’S CAPITOL supporting Obama’s health care reform plan have failed to capture the enthusiasm of the American people, 60% of which, reject Obama’s scheme to nationalize their medical care.
The rallies were organized by Health Care for America Now!, a “national grassroots campaign of more than 1,000 organizations dedicated to the US government’s financing of health coverage for all Americans.” The group is known for its “close ties” to the Obama administration and the Democratic Party.
Most of Health Care for America Now! component organizations have two things in common: they have no expertise in health care and are the furthest thing from being a “grassroots campaign” with virtually all receiving large tax-exempt grants from Zionist billionaires George Soros and investment banker mogul, Steve Gluckstern.
The leading members of the groups’ “grassroots” steering committee are MoveOn.org, The Center for American Progress, and The Campaign for America’s Future, all created with Soros-money. View More Members Here.
The Campaign for America’s Future co-founders include Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson, sixties agitator Tom Hayden, and socialist feminist Barbara Ehrenreich.
Each year, The Campaign for America’s Future holds a “Take Back America” conference, a gathering of DC “progressives,” (a euphemism for “Marxists”). In 2006, prominent speakers at this conference included Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Senator Russ Feingold, all socialized medicine advocates at the time. View Entire Story Here, Here, & Here.
The coalition of these groups, which foists its Marxist agenda on America’s domestic life, is steered by the financial and political fingers of George Soros and his Jewish adjuncts. What is their aim? The redistribution of white Americans’ wealth. The result? Total Zionist control over the fleeced, dispirited, and bankrupted white Gentiles and their country…

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