’15,000 strong’ army gathers to take on Syria


by crescentandcross in Uncategorized 


An insurgent army which claims to be up to 15,000 strong is being coordinated from Turkey to take on President Bashar al-Assad of Syria, which risks plunging the region into open warfare.

The national “Syrian Free Army” aims to be the “military wing of the Syrian people’s opposition to the regime”, its leader told The Daily Telegraph from a heavily guarded camp in eastern Turkey.

Confirmation of an armed force operating with the covert approval of the Turkish authorities follows evidence that attacks inside Syria are causing high levels of casualties in the security forces. It also shows the anger of Recep Tayipp Erdogan, the Turkish premier, with Mr Assad, a former ally whose failed promises of reform have caused a deep rift.

“We are the future army of the new Syria. We are not in league with any particular sect, religion or political party. We believe in protecting all elements of Syrian society,” the Army’s leader, Col Riad al-Assad, said.

Made up of defectors from the regime’s army, SFA fighters are conducting “high quality operations against government soldiers and security agents,” Col Assad said.

Last week the SFA claimed responsibility for the killing of nine Syrian soldiers in battles in a town in central Syria. On Friday a further 17 regime soldiers were reported killed in violent clashes with defected former comrades in the city of Homs, a hotbed of resistance.

The violence has continued this week. There have been unconfirmed reports that nine members of the minority Alawite sect to which Mr Assad belongs were dragged off a bus and killed, while 15 members of the security forces were killed by deserters on Wednesday in two attacks, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The escalation has given new urgency to Wednesday’s fragile agreement between the regime and the Arab League to withdraw the army from the streets. The Observatory said 20 more people died in Homs on Thursday from gunfire and shelling despite the supposed agreement, while today will see an even bigger test as activists challenge Mr Assad with street protests after Friday prayers.

Col Assad has an extensive Turkish personal security entourage, and access to him is controlled directly by the Turkish foreign ministry.

Turkey’s formal position that it has only a humanitarian role in Syria and Col Assad was coy on whether the SFA was conducting cross border operations.

But he said his men were operating across Syria. “Our fighters protect the borders of dissident towns and villages, and attack soldiers who gun down peaceful demonstrators,” he said. “We are armed with guns and ammunition stolen from the regime”.

The size of the movement is unclear, with estimates ranging from 5,000 to 15,000. Many defectors have fled across the border and are being hosted in guarded camps in Turkey.

Col Assad appealed to the international community to impose a ‘no fly zone’ and a ‘no sea zone’.

“We don’t have the ability to buy weapons, but we need to protect civilians inside Syria,” he said. “We want to make a ‘safe zone’ in the north of Syria, a buffer zone in which the SFA can get organised.” With a small weapons supply, his movement is not yet in a position to pose a serious threat to the regime, but its presence marks a definitive change to the original unified opposition policy of peaceful protest.

Col Assad said he wanted his force to be recognised as the military wing of the Syrian National Council – the umbrella political opposition announced at a conference in Istanbul.

“We are waiting for them to appoint a high delegation and send a representative to speak to us about how we can support their aims militarily,” he said.

A council member speaking anonymously confirmed that ‘off the table discussions’ were taking place. “Our commitment is, and has always been, peaceful resolution, but our patience has a limit,” the source said. “It depends on the political developments among the Arab League, the Middle East and the International Community.

“In 10 days we will present a new plan that is to include a military and political strategy. Here the issue of the SFA may well be put on the table.”


Give war a chance: Syrian Army defectors want to strike back at Assad

Christian Science Monitor

The ‘Syrian Free Army,’ a group of up to 15,000 defected Syrian soldiers camped in Turkey, is seeking to be recognized as the opposition’s military wing.

As the Syrian military continues to kill protesters despite Damascus’s agreement two days ago to withdraw its forces from the streets, a small army of Turkey-backed defectors is seeking international assistance to protect civilians in Syria.

The ‘Syrian Free Army’ (SFA), a band of between 5 and 15 thousand Syrian military defectors camped in eastern Turkey and under Turkish protection, aims to become the military wing of the opposition Syrian National Council. “We are the future army of the new Syria. We are not in league with any particular sect, religion, or political party. We believe in protecting all elements of Syrian society,” Col. Riad al-Assad, the SFA’s leader, told the Daily Telegraph.  Colonel Assad also called on the international community to impose a no-fly zone and a naval blockade to aid the SFA in protecting Syrians from Damascus’s forces.

“We don’t have the ability to buy weapons, but we need to protect civilians inside Syria,” he said. “We want to make a ‘safe zone’ in the north of Syria, a buffer zone in which the SFA can get organised.” With a small weapons supply, his movement is not yet in a position to pose a serious threat to the regime, but its presence marks a definitive change to the original unified opposition policy of peaceful protest.

He told Reuters last month that he believes war is the only way to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and end the violence against civilians.

Assad says that the SFA is coordinating opposition troops across Syria, though he did not comment on whether the SFA was conducting cross-border raids from its camps in Turkey. Turkey has formally committed only to humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees, though the Telegraph notes that it has provided Assad with a personal security detail and controls access to him through its foreign ministry.

Turkey’s support for the SFA further underscores how far Ankara has turned against its southern neighbor. In a commentary for the Christian Science Monitor, Joshua W. Walker writes that Turkey has progressed from silent ally to vocal critic, and is now “leading the push for international action and sanctions against Damascus.”

Ankara is publicly hosting Syrian opposition leaders along with insurgents who have based themselves within Turkey’s borders, and has reportedly been secretly arming the same forces. It’s preparing unilateral sanctions that go far beyond what any Western power has thus far attempted.

Muslim-majority Turkey’s credibility as a democratic model for the region is being put on the line with every suppressed Syrian protest and refugee who flees to Turkey. Prime Minister Erdogan also recognizes Turkey’s historic opportunity: “Turkey is playing a role that can upturn all the stones in the region and that can change the course of history.”

Turkey’s potential involvement in military intervention in Syria is apt to cause political debate within Ankara. Turkey’s English-language Hürriyet Daily News writes that a Turkish opposition leader warned yesterday that the West had a “plot” to invade Syria. “The West has written a plot about democracy and liberty, and they are staging it. But this plot of democracy and liberty is nothing but the plot for an invasion,” Birgül Ayman Güler told the Hürriyet Daily News.

But a Libya-like scenario, of Western military support of native rebels, is still far off. NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Monday that the organization has “no intention whatsoever” to intervene in Syria, and Paul Koring of the Globe and Mail writes that Syria’s political and geographical location in the heart of the Middle East put Syria in a very different situation than Libya, one that would make Western intervention very difficult.

But Nation editor Robert Dreyfuss writes in a commentary for the Guardian’s Comment is Free that some hawks, like US Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona and Jeffrey White of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, are pushing for Western military involvement, and that if the situation continues to get worse, intervention may become possible. “Somehow,” Dreyfuss writes, “things that are ‘totally ruled out’ get ruled in when facts change.”

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