103-Year Sentence for rapist rabbi cut in half


The 103-year prison sentence a judge slapped on convicted child molester Nechemya Weberman has reportedly been slashed by more than half by state prison officials.
State Supreme Court Justice John G. Ingram hit Weberman, an unlicensed ‘therapist’ in the Satmar Hasidic community, with the century-plus term behind bars for repeatedly abusing a young girl placed in his care.
But the state Corrections Department said he should have only been sentenced to a maximum of 50 years for the felony he was convicted of, the Daily News reported.
Officials say Weberman will likely get another seven years shaved off his sentence if he doesn’t commit any major crimes behind bars.
So the 54-year-old could end up being released in 2055, the paper said, wehn he would be 97 years old.
Court insiders told the News said that judges sometimes hit defendants with longer sentences than statues call for to send messages.
Weberman, who was convicted last month of sexual conduct against a child, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a child, faced up to 117 years behind bars at his sentencing.
Now 18 years old and married, the victim was 12 years old when her parents sent her to Weberman, an unlicensed therapist, for religious counseling. From 2007 to 2010, Weberman sexually abused the girl multiple times, mostly in his office, prosecutors said.

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