Iraq +15: Accumulated Evil of the Whole

NOVANEWS By Nat Parry | Consortium News  Robert Jackson, the Chief United States Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals, once denounced aggressive war as “the greatest menace of our time.” With much of Europe laying […]

The New Baghdad Pact

NOVANEWS By Dr Bouthaina Shaaban  A recently declassified CIA document prepared in 1983, and released on 20 January 2017, shows that the United States had at the time encouraged Saddam Hussein to attack Syria, which […]

A Reprise of the Iraq-WMD Fiasco?

NOVANEWS By James W Carden  The controversy over Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 presidential election shows no sign of letting up. A bipartisan group of U.S. senators recently introduced legislation that would impose sanctions […]