Greece: The Epicenter of Global Pillage

NOVANEWS by Stephen Lendman   Predatory bankers make serial killers look good by comparison. Their business model creates crises to facilitate grand theft, financial terrorism, and debt entrapment. They steal all material wealth and then some. […]

Financial Oligarch Power Raping Greece

NOVANEWS  by Stephen Lendman   On February 12, Greece’s banker controlled parliament passed sweeping austerity measures on top of multiple previous rounds. New ones include: sacking 15,000 public workers in 2012 and 150,000 by 2015; […]

Greek as Athens Burns

NOVANEWS  ATHENS (Reuters) – Greece’s parliament approved a deeply unpopular austerity bill on Monday to secure a second bailout and avoid national bankruptcy, as buildings burned across central Athens and violence spread around the country. […]

Banker Occupation of Greece

NOVANEWS by Stephen Lendman Economist Michael Hudson calls it “Replacing Economic Democracy with Financial Oligarchy” in a June 5 article by that title, saying: After being debt entrapped, or perhaps acquiescing to entrapment, the Papandreou government […]