
Since Israel began its genocidal war on Gaza, Türkiye withdrew its ambassador from Israel and backed South Africa’s genocide suit ...Read more

By: Ilona Yegiazarova The following article is taken largely verbatim from an article written by Ilona Yegiazarova in the Moskovskaya Pravda of ...Read more

Reproduced from the Helsinki Times of 13 January 2024, with thanks Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean-American war commentator known for his critical views ...Read more

Given the lead given by the British government to encourage the forces of law and order to victimise those who ...Read more

The following is the article by Andrew Murray that appeared in the Morning Star of 13 February, arguing that we ...Read more

I waited as long as possible, and then negotiated to empty already toothless resolutions of all meaning, my son. On ...Read more

Russian forces are now in full control over the city of Avdeyevka whilst thousands of Ukrainian troops remain there trapped ...Read more

The Zionist murder machine continues its daily slaughter of unarmed Palestinian men, women and children, taking a toll of hundreds ...Read more

Why did Russia’s hosting of an international youth festival provoke such a hysterical reaction from British media? Proletarian writers Subscribe ...Read more

While an individualist view tends to despondence, there is a positive aspect to British imperialism’s blatant complicity in persecuting free ...Read more

A US citizen done to death by the US’s fascist proxies in Ukraine for the crime of telling the truth ...Read more

The way that different countries have responded to the ongoing genocide in Gaza says everything about which interests their governments ...Read more